Introduction : In this solution, we apply Newton's method matlab to solve 3x^3-2x^2-3*x+12=0 and find the root that lies in the interval [-2, -1] such that error is less than…
Introduction : In this solution, we apply Newton's method matlab to solve equation 3x^5-2x^4+4x^3+5x^2-16=0 and find the root that lies in the interval [1, 2] such that error is less…
Introduction: In this answer, we explain how to plot two curves in matlab y1=4x^2 and y2=x+1 in the same figure. Let's wrote down step by step lines to this question.…
Introduction: In this answer, we explain how to plot the curve y =x^2+x+1 in the interval [-10 10] using matlab. A step by step procedure is given below Question :…
Introduction: In this solution, we provide step by step answer of the question How to Solve IVP using Euler Method using in Matlab Example 3 and details are given below…
Introduction: In this solution you will see How to convert fraction to decimal in matrix example 1. For this we take the following system of linear equations and solve them…
Introduction: In this solution we explain the question How to solve system of linear equations in matlab example 1 as follows Question: solve system of linear equations \[5*x_1-20*x_2+10*x_3+x_4 = 10\]…
Introduction: In this solution we will solve x^2-3=0 by secant method MATLAB program We will also determine the error at each iteration and estimate the root of the equation. Question:…
Introduction : In this solution we present the solution of How to apply Bisection iterative method matlab to solve f(x)=exp(cos(2x)+cos(2x^2))+cos(x)-2=0 in [0, 1]. Question: Bisection iterative method matlab solve \[f(x)…
Introduction: This is the step by step solution of the question How to centered finite difference matlab numerical approximations to partial derivatives df/dx,df/dy,d^2f/dxdy of f(x,y)=5xy+2x-3x^5-3*y^2 at x= 0, y=1. Question:…