How to find general solution of logistic differential equation dP/dt =(1/4)*(P(t)-2)*(4-P(t)) and specific solutions with initial conditions P(0)=2, P(0)=3

Introduction: In this article , we present the solution of the question how to find general solution of logistic differential equation dP/dt =(1/4)(P(t)-2)(4-P(t)) and specific solutions with initial conditions P(0)=2, P(0)=3

Question: Find general solution of logistic differential equation


and specific solutions satisfying initial conditions \(P(0)=2, P(0)=3\)


First let’s find general solution of logistic differential equation




integrating both sides


where c is integrating constant.




This is the required general solution of the logistic differential equation.

Case 1 :

Now to find specific solution corresponding to initial condition \(P(0)=2\)

substituting t =0 into P(t) and using initial condition





Substituting this into expression of P(t) we get specific solution as



\[P(t) =2\]

That is a constant solution for all t .

Case 2:

Now to find specific solution corresponding to initial condition \(P(0)=3\)




Substituting this value in to the expression of P(t)


is the required specific solution of the logistic differential equation.


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